I'm reading a lot a at the moment. Not just the books above although I've enjoyed immersing myself in all things French - I've also discovered some fantastic blogs about Paris. Some were in my reading list before, but most are new. Here are a few...
Food author, dessert king and renown blogger who I've followed ever since the purchase of the ice cream bowl of my KitchenAid..
Great updates from a sweet-loving writer in Paris.
A couple from Canada in Paris for 3 months - fun 'Wino Wednesday' posts and exploratory walks around Paris.
The editor of GoGoParis - great intro to interesting Cafés and so on. Paris tips and insights into touring, renting, living in the city.
I'm now debating what reading material to take along on our trip.
The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work by Alain de Botton and
Affluenza by Oliver James are on my list. But I think definitely need something 'lighter' as well. Thanks to
Candice for our guidebook and English/French dictionary. And to the others who have passed along novels they thought we'd enjoy. I'm sure I'll manage to pass the loooong flight with my nose firmly buried in a book, if not a blog!