I was fortunate enough to attend the Design Indaba conference last Friday. One of the most interesting presentations in my opinion came from Professer Shin-ichi Takemura. " a media producer known for his numerous cutting-edge IT-driven social activities, along with advocating his incisive views as an anthropologist."
The project tangible earth as a mind blowing way of "looking in" or experiencing what is happening anywhere around the world. A global look at weather patterns, pollution and so on. Here's the clincher: It's in REAL TIME. So that peek into a specific place on the globe allows you an amazing insight into what someone else could be experiencing right at that moment. The result? Perhaps a real understanding and empathy as opposed to a colder view of the world around us seen in the usual news reported nightly on television. What a cool new perspective.
This was a fantastic eye opener, I loved the lecture and his way of thinking - despite the technical difficulties. Can't believe we were both there.
Pity I didn't bump into you! The tech problems a bit embarrassing but the crux of it got through.
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