This Easter I decided to extend myself by serving Eggs Benedict as part of a Brunch. Poached eggs are not really my forte and previous attempts have ended up in a stringy mess that (if they make it to the plate) DH frowns at before attempting. So the task ahead seemed fraught with disaster...
I tried a bit of research this time and I'm amazed (and comforted) by the number of people who seem to have trouble with the simple egg! Oh for that perfect restaurant creation as opposed to the rubbery jello-mould type creations that hark back to the days of boarding school.

Megan of the great Not Martha has a nice little tut on her flickr page (her image above) and Rob Manuel tests and rates methods by Delia, Hugh, and other (should be unfailing) professionals - with amusingly photographed results. This hollandaise recipe by Delia was a winner though!
I am pleased to report that my results were speedily devoured by all concerned - although sadly I don't have the photographic evidence to prove it : )
Apparantly "No One Cares What You Had For Lunch" (or breakfast for that matter) but I couldn't resist posting about poaching : ) and as I was reminded recently breakfast is an art if you consider the wonderful photography of Jennifer Causey. I hear she has just published a book. So perhaps brunch is not that boring after all.
nice idea -- hope your easter was fantastic!
- Jessie -
Eggs just seem to beat [pun] me too! It's usully a surprise how they turn out and I am always glad if someone else offers to cook them!
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