These silhouettes are by Lucas and Hayley - see more of their work at keep-calm

Above was a gift from my SIL, she's got great taste. Shot around Hanlie's neck - thanks to my schmodel.

Natalie Walton's home - as shot for reallivingmag

decor8 rooms i *heart*

These earrings were found on tsilli's flickr page.

Before our wedding DH and I did silhouhettes of ourselves for our 'order of service'. They looked suprisingly like us and recently I've thought having larger prints made, framing (oval frames?) and hanging them in our bedroom. So I did a bit of a search around and found SO much reference... I still like the idea though, and it's a nice memory from our wedding. I also love the applications of silhouettes to the plates pictured above.
See some great silhouette images on the nesting spot.
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